Shiny, New Product Photos in the Shopping Cart

Do you ever find yourself about to buy your favorite photo, but hesitate because you’re not sure if it’d look better in a frame or as one of SmugMug’s beautiful, ready-to-hang print products? Well, now you don’t have to guess because you’ll see example images for each product before adding it to your cart.

Now, when you (or someone visiting your SmugMug site) opens the cart, you’ll see examples for each category of products to help you imagine how it’ll look in your home, office, or anywhere you want gorgeous art.

It looks great on mobile devices too:

When you choose a particular product and click the information icon, we’ll show you product images from a variety of angles so you’ll know exactly what to expect. We’ll even show you the back of the ready-to-hang products, so you’ll know how a product will hang on your walls.

And, of course, if you’re a SmugMug Pro selling specific products, we’ll always only show those products to your customers. Combined with other great pro features like coupons and packages, these product photos will help show off what you offer and boost sales.

Give the new product photos in the cart a thorough look over, and let us know what you think! We love feedback and are always looking for ways to improve your experience.

Note: This feature is available on New SmugMug only. Old SmugMug users will need to upgrade to try out the new shiny.

22 thoughts on “Shiny, New Product Photos in the Shopping Cart”

  1. looks better
    the improvements in the cart over the past year have been welcomed for sure.
    Can we now look at taking it to the same level as everywhere else (POD) sites and have the image you are looking at in the frame rather than a generic stock photo?

  2. If we’re using Photo Extras with mats and framing, will it show how that will look? Most people never find those options since they’re only offered late in the ordering process.

    1. Hi Matt

      Not at this time. Thanks for letting us know this is important to you. I’ll make sure our product managers see this request.

      1. I think this is very important. Most people can’t envision what a photograph will look like when framed and matted. A basic tool that would allow them to view a specific photograph in basic frame/mat configurations would really help… maybe 5 colors of each just to give an approximate look. BTW, WHCC (a SmugMug lab that I’ve always had great quality from) already offeres basic frames and mats. Maybe these could be displayed for any of us that use WHCC?

  3. I’m not seeing the Frame preview. Is this an available option for WHCC processing?

    1. Hi there

      We offer photo extras like frames through Bay Photo. The product photos don’t include the photo extras at this time, though.
      Let us know if we can answer any other questions.

    1. Hi

      Thanks for letting us know about this problem. We have a great print guarantee and our heroes would love to work with you to help sort out the problem. Our labs do great work, so we’d love to get to the bottom of this. I see a couple of orders to your email address and I’m going to ask our print expert to reach out to you.


  4. Hi Team,

    Thank you for the ongoing work – appreciate the new look however, the post cart and payment GUIs need to be worked on to keep with the theme.

    Also a rather important feature that is missing is the ability to allow users to select photos as per the current method of selecting images for purchasing but allowing them to download them with a coupon.

  5. I like the new option to see the products the clients are looking to purchase. It takes the guessing out of what the products look like. I’m new to the Smugmug community and haven’t been able to figure out how to use different vendors at the same time? For example prints from WHCC and frames through Bay Photo. I can do one or the other, is there a way to choose different vendor products? Thank you…

  6. Smugmug will never be able to compete for sales until they offer customers live previews of the product they are buying. I am the photographer, but I still buy my own products elsewhere, where I can see them! Getting these features written would pay many times over for Smugmug as sales will soar!

  7. A little bit of feedback also, the product photos don’t change to reflect colour choices… I’ve just added a black desk frame for example and all the product photos are of the silver frame. It isn’t clear enough that they would be in fact ordering a black frame. My lab supplier is Loxley in the UK.

    Also ill say having the ability to preview the actual image within the product would be so so useful

  8. This is long overdue and a great addition to SmugMug, I’m delighted to see valuable improvements like this. However, I have to agree with John Hooton a Live preview of products should have been available years ago it has been everywhere else.

  9. Would be so nice to have an option to hide inch size and display only cm for product selection all over the site !! For European photographers/smugmug users, it would be so useful in addition with this beautiful way of displaying products 🙂

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